package com.fteams.siftrain.assets; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetLoaderParameters; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.AsynchronousAssetLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.FileHandleResolver; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SimpleNotesInfo; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SimpleSong; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SimpleSongInfo; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SongFileInfo; import com.fteams.siftrain.util.SongUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import; import; import; public class SimplifiedBeatmapLoader extends AsynchronousAssetLoader<List, SimplifiedBeatmapLoader.BeatmapParameter> { private List<SongFileInfo> beatmaps; static int BLOCK_SIZE = 8192; public SimplifiedBeatmapLoader(FileHandleResolver resolver) { super(resolver); } @Override public Array<AssetDescriptor> getDependencies(String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { return null; } @Override public void loadAsync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { beatmaps = new ArrayList<>(); if (fileName.endsWith(".rs")) { loadAsyncStandard(manager, fileName, file, parameter); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".osz")) { installOsuFiles(manager, fileName, file, parameter); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".osu")) { convertOsuBeatmap(manager, fileName, file, parameter); } } private void loadAsyncStandard(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { FileHandle handle = resolve(fileName); String jsonDefinition = handle.readString("UTF-8"); SongFileInfo info = new SongFileInfo(); try { info = new Gson().fromJson(jsonDefinition, SimpleSong.class); } catch (Exception e) { info = new SimpleSong(); info.song_name = "Error: Invalid JSON format " + handle.file().getName(); info.difficulty = 1; } finally { info.setFileName(fileName); // naming scheme for the resources is: // File Name[difficulty] // File Name [difficulty] // file_name_difficulty // this will allow the resource name to be parsed correctly and group the songs by resource info.setResourceName(handle.nameWithoutExtension().replaceAll("(_(easy|normal|hard|expert)|(\\s?\\[.+]))$", "")); beatmaps.add(info); } } private void installOsuFiles(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { try {"OSZ_LOADER", "installing map: " + fileName); FileHandle handle = resolve(fileName); ZipFile osuZipFile = new ZipFile(handle.file()); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = osuZipFile.entries(); List<SimpleSong> songs = new ArrayList<>(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); // get only osu files if (entry.getName().endsWith(".osu")) { Long crc = entry.getCrc(); try { // check if the beatmap already exists - was extracted before // if the osz file was found in the root directory, we go down to datafiles FileHandle[] files; if (handle.parent().name().equals("beatmaps")) { files = handle.parent().child("datafiles").list(".rs"); } // if the osz file was in the datafiles directory else { files = handle.parent().list(".rs"); } boolean found = false; // check if the entries already exist for (FileHandle fh : files) { if (".osu", ".rs"))) {"OSZ_LOADER", "Entry: [" + entry.getName().replace(".osu", ".rs") + "] exists, performing a crc check."); SongFileInfo info = new Gson().fromJson(fh.readString(), SongFileInfo.class); // if (info.getCrc() != null && entry.getCrc() == crc) { // if the CRC matches, we skip the file. Otherwise we'll re-process it. found = true; } break; } } if (found) {"OSZ_LOADER", "Entry: [" + entry.getName().replace(".osu", ".rs") + "] has the same CRC, skipping."); continue; } SimpleSong beatmap = processOsuStandardFile(osuZipFile.getInputStream(entry)); beatmap.setCrc(crc); songs.add(beatmap); storeBeatmap(beatmap, "beatmaps/datafiles/" + entry.getName().replace(".osu", ".rs")); } catch (Exception e) { // attempted to load a non-mania map, ignore it"OSZ_LOADER", "Attempted to load a non-mania map: " + entry.getName()); } } } for (SimpleSong song : songs) { String songFile = song.music_file; storeMusicFile(osuZipFile.getInputStream(osuZipFile.getEntry(songFile)), songFile); } // don't load files from within an osu archive, just install them songs.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { // something happened while loading the file // encrypted zip, or corrupted file // just exit } } private void convertOsuBeatmap(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { try {"OSU_LOADER", "converting map: " + fileName); FileHandle handle = resolve(fileName); Long crc = computeCRC(handle); FileHandle[] files; // if the osu file was in the root 'beatmaps' directory, go down to the datafiles directory if (handle.parent().name().equals("beatmaps")) { files = handle.parent().child("datafiles").list(".rs"); } // if the osz file was in the datafiles directory else { files = handle.parent().list(".rs"); } boolean found = false; for (FileHandle fh : files) { if (".osu", ".rs"))) {"OSU_LOADER", "Map [" + handle.nameWithoutExtension() + ".rs] already exists, checking crc."); SongFileInfo info = new Gson().fromJson(fh.readString(), SongFileInfo.class); if (info.getCrc() != null && info.getCrc().equals(crc)) { found = true; } break; } } // don't store files which were already converted. // if someone wants a hard reload, they can remove the .rs file // and have the game re-generate them if (found) {"OSU_LOADER", "Map [" + handle.nameWithoutExtension() + ".rs] crc match, skipping."); return; } else {"OSU_LOADER", "Map [" + handle.nameWithoutExtension() + ".rs] crc didn't match - generating map."); } InputStream is = new FileInputStream(handle.file()); SimpleSong beatmap = processOsuStandardFile(is); beatmap.setCrc(crc); storeBeatmap(beatmap, "beatmaps/datafiles/" + fileName.split("\\\\|/", 2)[1].replace(".osu", ".rs")); } catch (Exception e) { // something happened while loading the file // just exit"OSZ_LOADER", "Attempted to load a non-mania map: " + fileName); } } private Long computeCRC(FileHandle handle) throws IOException { File file = handle.file(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] bytes = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); int len =, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); while (len != -1) { crc32.update(bytes, 0, len); len =, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } return crc32.getValue(); } private void storeMusicFile(InputStream inputStream, String fileName) { File output = new File(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "/beatmaps/soundfiles/" + fileName); if (output.exists()) {"OSZ_MUSIC_LOADER", "File [" + fileName + "] already exists, skipping."); return; } try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output); // tried bigger blocks, didn't really get better performance. byte[] buffer = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; int len =, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); while (len != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, len); len =, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } inputStream.close(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) {"OSZ_MUSIC_LOADER", "Failed to store the music file."); } } private void storeBeatmap(SimpleSong beatmap, String fileName) { File output = new File(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "/" + fileName); String json = new Gson().toJson(beatmap); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output); fos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) {"BEATMAP_STORE", "Failed to store the beatmap file."); } } private SimpleSong processOsuStandardFile(InputStream entry) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(entry); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); String contents = reader.readLine(); SimpleSong song = new SimpleSong(); song.difficulty = 4; Integer mode = 0; SimpleSongInfo songInfo = new SimpleSongInfo(); song.song_info = new ArrayList<>(); song.song_info.add(songInfo); songInfo.notes = new ArrayList<>(); while (contents != null) { if (contents.startsWith("//")) { contents = reader.readLine(); continue; } if (contents.startsWith("AudioFilename:")) { song.music_file = contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim(); } if (contents.startsWith("AudioLeadIn:")) { song.lead_in = Integer.parseInt(contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim()) / 1000f; } if (contents.startsWith("Title:")) { song.song_name = contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim(); } // mania = mode 3 if (contents.startsWith("Mode:")) { if (Integer.parseInt(contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim()) != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid beatmap mode."); } } if (contents.startsWith("Version:")) { song.difficulty_name = contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim(); } if (contents.startsWith("CircleSize:")) { mode = Integer.parseInt(contents.split(":", 2)[1].trim()); } if (contents.equals("[HitObjects]")) { // convert notes into CircleMarks contents = reader.readLine(); // format: while (contents != null && !contents.startsWith("[")) { if (contents.startsWith("//")) { contents = reader.readLine(); continue; } // x,y,timing,flag,0,release:a:b:c:d String[] theLine = contents.split(",", 6); SimpleNotesInfo notesInfo = new SimpleNotesInfo(); Integer band = Integer.parseInt(theLine[0].trim()) / (512 / mode); notesInfo.position = SongUtils.getPositionForMode(mode, band); notesInfo.timing_sec = Integer.parseInt(theLine[2].trim()) / 1000.0; notesInfo.effect = SongUtils.NOTE_TYPE_NORMAL; if ((Integer.parseInt(theLine[3].trim()) & 128) != 0) { notesInfo.effect_value = Integer.parseInt(theLine[5].trim().split(":", 2)[0].trim()) / 1000f - notesInfo.timing_sec; notesInfo.effect = SongUtils.NOTE_TYPE_HOLD; } else { notesInfo.effect_value = 2.0; } songInfo.notes.add(notesInfo); contents = reader.readLine(); } } contents = reader.readLine(); } processEffects(song); return song; } // since we're creating the maps, we need to make sure that notes which land at the same time are tagged as simultaneous private void processEffects(SimpleSong song) { SimpleSongInfo info = song.song_info.get(0); List<SimpleNotesInfo> notes = info.notes; // sort the notes by timing and position Collections.sort(notes); SimpleNotesInfo previousNote = notes.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < notes.size(); i++) { SimpleNotesInfo currentNote = notes.get(i); // we only look for notes which start at the same time if (currentNote.timing_sec.equals(previousNote.timing_sec)) { previousNote.effect = previousNote.effect | SongUtils.NOTE_TYPE_SIMULT_START; currentNote.effect = currentNote.effect | SongUtils.NOTE_TYPE_SIMULT_START; } previousNote = currentNote; } } @Override public List<SongFileInfo> loadSync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, BeatmapParameter parameter) { return beatmaps; } public class BeatmapParameter extends AssetLoaderParameters<List> { } }